February 27, 2024

Peace & Reconciliation: Citizen Diplomacy Certification Weeks 1 & 2

Utah Global Diplomacy is delighted to have launched its Citizen Diplomacy Certification as part of the International Leadership Academy! Over the next ten weeks, the Citizen Diplomacy Certification cohort will dive into world affairs topics taught by dynamic local subject matter experts, and elevate their professional experience through immersive, hands-on activities.  

The certification started with a conversation with Amy Storrow, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service who currently serves as the Director of the Office of International Visitors in the Bureau of Educational Affairs. Amy spent time with our cohort, fueling their passion for diplomacy. The cohort role-played what it was like to engage as an ambassador at a diplomatic reception and the affective, behavioral, and cognitive approach to engagement.


Amy Storrow Citizen Diplomacy Certification Utah Global Diplomacy


We also welcomed Sarra Idehen and Ben Lear from Toastmasters International who set the stage for the cohort to refine their public speaking skills. The cohort got out of their comfort zone, practiced sharing stories and experiences, and received feedback. We learned all captivating stories follow the rule of three with an introduction that grabs the audience, a body, and an ending that is a clincher! 


Chris Peiper Citizen Diplomacy Certification Utah Global Diplomacy


Our second week invited diplomacy and peace-building leaders Chris Piper, a Rotary Peace Fellow, Fulbright Fellow, and attorney at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, and Brian Farr, a Peace Maker and past chair of both the North American Interfaith Network and the global Rotarian Action Group for Peace.

The cohort discussed interfaith dialogue and how belief systems impact conversations. Resources shared included research from the United States Institute of Peace and five conversation skills that enhance your rational brain by Irshad Manji.

The cohort finished the night by practicing their newly refined conflict resolution and negotiating skills with a Diplomacy Simulation developed by the U.S. Department of State. 

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Learn more about our Citizen Diplomacy Certification and other opportunities with our International Leadership Academy!